Market Hall and Leisure Development Feedback Form

    Question 1

    Do you support the proposed arrangement of the plan with the new Market Hall to the
    east of the square and the new Cinema and Leisure building to the west?

    Question 2

    Do you support the public realm design including the proposals for new seating, planting,
    an outdoor auditoria and central sculpture?

    Question 3

    Do you support the elevation design for the new Market Hall building, with a line of
    classically proportioned arches along Victoria Street?

    Question 4

    Do you support the elevation design for the Cinema and Leisure building, with the sequence
    of pitched rooftops and facade materials which reference historic Grimsby?

    Question 5

    Do you support the partial retention and re-purposing of some of the buildings in the
    development on the grounds of carbon reduction and sustainability?

    Any other comments: